Questions, Answered

We have compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions, find the answers below. If you have additional questions, give us a call.

Updated Hours
Effective August 4, 2024

As we move into the Dog Days of Summer, the Haven
Indoor Golf will move to appointment-based rentals.

What does that mean? We will still be open Thursday,
Friday & Saturday from 5pm – 10pm. (Last tee time at 9pm)

The simulators will need to be reserved 3 hours in advance.
For example, if you’d like to rent a simulator at 7pm, it
must be reserved by 4pm. An 8pm rental would need to be
reserved by 5pm etc.

As the weather turns colder & the days start getting shorter,
we will go back to our normal booking schedule and expand
our hours. Waiting on you, Mother Nature. 😀

If you’d like to play on days or at times we are normally
closed during our off-season, please call us at 708-671-
8052 or email us at and we
will do our best to accommodate your request.

*Advance notice preferred if requesting a day
or time outside of our regular off-season hours.

As always, if you have any questions, just call us directly
at 708-671-8052.